#fanmade entity
cheyj05 · 8 months
My Fanmade Fear Entities:
The Hunger
Fear of starvation, and generally deprivation of basic needs. Or just general deficiency. Is also greed. The Endless Devourer. The Never-Full. That one guy who was suspected of eating a baby? Avatar of The Hunger.
The Exposure
Fear of exposure to the elements. Heavily associated with ice and freezing to death but that's not its only thing. It's also fear of being unprotected and vulnerable. The Everfrost. You ever read To Build A Fire? This.
The Assimilation
This one's a bit more complex, essentially it's fear of homogeny. You notice how social media sites are all slowly becoming the same fucking thing? This one is essentially the death creativity and uniqueness. Things being sanitized and the same. Always the same. Uniformity, death of identity. Colonialism also. It takes what was separate and makes it part of itself. The All-The-Same.
The Limit
I'm not a fan of the name of this one but it's the best I got. Fear of time. Fear of time running out, or that you don't have enough time. Also, Fear that the past is better and you have nothing to look forwards too. Nostalgia. Also Fear of failure and that's you don't have enough time to achieve everything you want in life. Regrets. Also aging. Time-Is-Running-Out.
Here are some other fanmade entities by people that aren't me that I really like: The Struggle The Uncertain
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nayl0rdoesstuff · 2 years
Fan-made Backrooms Entity, #398 - The Spectre.
The description for this entity is currently inconclusive, as it's appearance differs from person to person. The most we could get was that it was an inky, dark void that vaguely resembled a person.
Spectre can project themselves onto any wall, floor, or ceiling. They, however, love slipping into someone's shadow and keeping them company.
Spectre has shown no signs of hostile behavior towards Wanders or M.E.G staff in any of the locations they wander. In fact, they can be quite friendly, offering up conversation and respite from the horrors the levels can bring.
Through conversation, it was learned that they weren't always an entity, much like how Wretches weren't always that way. One snippet of conversation goes like this,
"I was like you once..."
"I once wandered these halls aimlessly, searching for a way to return."
"But alas, it was never meant to be."
"My memory has grown fuzzy over the years I've been here. I know I had someone to return to, but their face is distorted."
"Now I guide others, to maybe fill the void that my loneliness left me with."
End of document.
OP's note: Hope you liked it, this was my first time making an entity or really anything backrooms related.
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Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Anyone here ever play Get in the Car Loser? anyways
Touchstones: Queer fanfic and media, Premade settings have many different touchstones
Genre: Swashbuckling action, can vary from group to group
What is this game?:  Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a game about being swashbuckling queers of all colors and sizes, it's got a very generic setting, as long as your setting has combat, queer romance, and evil to be defeated, TSL can run your setting
How's the gameplay?: TSL is a powered by the apocalypse game, primarily based on the classic Monsterhearts, with its Strings mechanics being outright named after the mechanic of the same name from it. It's a classic PBTA (which you can read more about here) system with the core difference being the game's mechanics, which encourage the players to do things that are not the healthiest, or to fall fall in love with the other PCs or NPCs. For example when a character falls in love, they may ask a question about that person according to your playbook, this is your trait of heart, and when trying to figure someone out mid-fight you may ask one extra question from your playbook, this is your trait of blade! and this mechanic exemplifies what everything the gameplay in TSL wishes to lead to: Heart (falling in love) and Blade (Combat)
What's the setting (If any) like?: TSL at first seems like it doesn't have a setting, and it kinda doesn't, while there are many, many, many very fun premade settings within the book, the average TSL setting only has to have 3 things: Combat, Romance, and 2 Toxic Powers, toxic powers being two entities within the universe (be it a faction, religion, power, etc) that may not Necessarily oppose the players, but are definitely a bad thing.
What's the tone?:  Tone is generally decided by the players, but there will always be two universal things: Queer Rebellion via community and people trying to put down this rebellion.
Session length: Very very variable, but usually speaking you can do a lot in the plotline in 3 hours, though at minimum I think it'd be an hour long each session
Number of Players: TSL can be run with very few players, 3-6 is preferred but there's rules for solo or even two player play
Malleability: TSL is designed to be malleable, not really having a  defined setting, its themes are designed around lesbian romance, but the game itself has MLM rep and explicitly states that trans stories can also be run within this.
Resources: TSL has free playbooks, organization sheets, a google sheet that's pretty good, and a pretty decent amount of homebrew, most of it is fanmade but its there
TSL's my favorite tabletop game. While not doing too much new, it polishes what was already established in prior games to a very very high quality extreme, it's a great time, even if you're not a lesbian.
remember to kiss girls, inject estradiol, and have homoerotic swordfights with people whose worldview and/or neuroses are injected within the fight itself!
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
Are there other kingdoms outside of the five we've been shown or do those five make up the entirety of the world?
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This made me remember that with all the storytelling i didn't get more into the economical/society part of the kingdoms -see timeline- okay, is still weekend here, let me go into it.
As some of you had may notice (if not pay attention in class Jimmy, Miss Delight isn't going to be happy with ya) a lot of the history in the Cartoon are based in Greek Mythology.
So, i don't have a problem with others making fanmade kingdoms, but to help you stay in universe, here's some points to take in mind:
-All the kingdoms have names of big entities in mythology In my case, i used the Titans from greek mythology, and based some of the Kingdoms things in said titans (for example, Themis was the Greek god of law and justice, so that why Queen Thera is the judge between kingdoms.). You can use others big entities, even from other religions or mythologies.
-The Kingdom's towns/cities have minor entities name in mythology. In my case, they have constellations names (Hyperion have places like Orion Town, Canis north and Canis south, and Lepus City. Theia have places like Corvus town and Draco city. And so on), but again this can me changed depending in what you're getting inspired.
I personally don't have more kingdoms to reveal, so yeah this world is small lol, but i would love to see what you guys came up with!
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coulrobotomy · 5 months
The "Virtue Chick": Heaven's Seven Heavenly Virtues?
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So I know damn well I'm not the first to notice this but I want to talk about it anyway.
Adam mentions banging a "virtue chick". Not "virtuous" but "virtue" or perhaps rather "Virtue". Does this imply that Heaven has seven entities that correspond with the Seven Deadly Sins of Hell?
For those that don't know, the Seven Heavenly Virtues are a real theological concept, and they are:
Chastity (the opposite of Lust)
Temperance (the opposite of Gluttony)
Charity (the opposite of Greed)
Diligence (the opposite of Sloth)
Kindness (the opposite of Envy)
Patience (the opposite of Wrath)
Humility (the opposite of Pride)
As far as I know these virtues don't have specific theological entities that correspond with them like the sins do. The only sources I can find that say otherwise are TVTropes and a fictional wiki, which assign the virtues to the Seven Archangels, which I doubt would be depicted as women in the show. But I could see characters based on the Seven Heavenly Virtues existing. Maybe these Virtues will appear in the future?
Either way, they could be a fun opportunity for fans to design some new characters! I might take a shot at it eventually.
What do you think? Any ideas as to what they'd be like? I think it'd be cute if they corresponded the Sins in some way.
Edit: After looking into this more, it looks like some people have pointed this out already on the wiki, and others have theorized that such a thing could happen even before the show came out! The wiki notes that "Virtue" is also a classification of angel, so it's unclear what Adam meant. I still think it would be fun to see counterparts for the Sins, though, fanmade or otherwise!
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brazenautomaton · 10 months
Princess: The Hopeful, Crystal Edition
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Princess: the Hopeful is a fanmade game line about magical girls in the Chronicles of Darkness, struggling against the overwhelming evil with the light of Hope. A lot of people loved the premise but found the rules clunky and the execution profoundly unfocused. I was one of them.
Princess: The Hopeful, Crystal Edition
It's not DONE -- it's in beta, which means it's feature-complete. A few options need to be filled in (a couple stat blocks, some Signets only have one option at a given level, Embassies don't have all their benefits, and not all the interstitial fictions are in), but all of the systems are in and you can play it perfectly fine. I mean, it's probably imbalanced as all hell, but that's what a beta is for. It's also probably formatted badly, and there's places I didn't catch where I use the wrong term for something because I changed it later. That's why it's only 0.8.
Crystal Edition is not a page-one rewrite of P:tH, but it's at least a page 2 or 3 rewrite. The structure and Queens are still there but everything has been revamped and refocused to give it clear through-lines both emotionally and physically. And the magic system is totally new and, though I do say so myself, it's really cool.
There's no more specific spells to buy one at a time. Each Charm has a basic action to it, and a bunch of Upgrades that expand its capabilities multiplicatively, so you stack together your Upgrades to get a spell that can do something neither Upgrade alone could do, and in doing so make an anime word salad spell name! Do you want to hit a ghost with a truck? Give it a Redline Phantom Step! Fling someone's bullets back at them? Rewinding Restoration, Stat! You wanna do sick air combos with multiple weapons? Weapon Master into Aerial Rave! Play three-card monte with your own presence? Blunt Tricky Cunning Illusion! How about a devastating magical finisher? BOTTOMLESS INFINITY PETADRIVE ANNIHILATION HYPER-EXPLOSIVE BUSTER!
Story and theme wise, The All-Consuming Darkness is not some new and distinct entity that inflicts supernatural taint on people to make them Darkened when they spend too long near a tainted place; the taint of the Darkness is fear. The supernatural corruptive force that drives others to spread misery in its name is literally the emotion of fear. The game's central thesis is about how much of the suffering we inflict on others has fear at its heart. The world is drenched in fear down to its bones, and Princesses believe that all of the weird-ass inexplicable nonsensical horrors of the CofD are all manifestations of the Darkness, though of course whether or not they are correct about that is another matter.
The basic "okay so what do I do" problem is solved by presenting a basic ground-level threat: Nightscapes, which are like Madoka labyrinths or Persona dungeons created by someone breaking under the weight of fear, and send out monsters to re-enact it. You don't just need to blow up the monsters, you need to figure out the source of the pain and overcome the psychodrama the prisoner has created in order to solve it, so there's multiple types of gameplay involved.
Instead of having a focus on virtue and public service that got frankly weird in the old versions, a magical girl character is someone who has a vividly defined personality and ideals, such that when they overcome obstacles, it's validation of their ideals. Princesses now have a Drive and Dread instead of Virtue and Vice; a guiding principle that they're About and something whose fear most motivates their behavior. Wisps are regained from spending Willpower, your human spirit purifying and refining. You can emotionally invest yourself into whatever you do by Flaring your power, granting you a free dot of your power stat, Inner Light, and you can do it multiple times... but if you emotionally commit like that, and you still fail, or you still have to compromise your Belief, the consequences will be devastating. The stakes are high and the tension is overwhelming and you will need to devote everything you are to succeeding and that might still not be enough.
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fandom-shitposter · 4 months
Corporate entities hate fanmade works and would love nothing more than to get them shut down entirely
They hate that there are people out there using their characters and their settings and having fun with them without having to pay them for the priviledge
But as long as fans aren't making money out of their IP they can currently get away with it. But we've recently seen a crackdown on people selling t-shirt designs, stickers, etc which violate this
So what can they do to try to firm up the laws on this, to get them to fall more in their favour?
Would writing their own fanfic and turning it into a show that they're making lots of money from be enough to do that, for them to sell merchandise and profit from someone else's IP without asking or paying for the use of it?
For it to maybe go to court for a very public fight over who can do what with a property they're a fan of?
Because that could well be what Disney is currently up to with their Star Wars shows
Not just making a few references to other movies or tv shows, but taking entire plotlines, blurring the edges of them, and dropping them right into their own shows
Want an example even if it risks containing show spoilers? of course you do!
Back in Season 7 of The Clone Wars (On the Wings of Keeradaks) we have a scene where Tech uses a recording of the flying lizards they encounted earlier to call them to their position and fly them out of danger
Just like Gandalf summons the eagles to come and rescue his party from the attack from Azog and his team of orcs and wargs, right down to the way some party members are left dangling over a huge drop off the mountainside
Later, in The Bad Batch (Reunion, S1), Hunter has been shot in the chest and Tech gets him up, gets him to safety, and (offscreen) medical aid is provided
Which is extremely close to that same rescue scene in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, only the part of it where Gandalf gets Thorin up and out of danger, with the assistance of the eagles, after he's been severly mauled by a warg, and then rendering medical assistance to him
Tech goes on to have a big fall (Plan 99, Bad Batch, S2), right off the end of a great big crumbling bridge. Sound familiar to any LotR fans?
And in a different episode (The Crossing, Bad Batch, S2) Tech is seen falling and landing in a similarly super familiar looking cave
Which repeats parts of the two separate scenes of Gandalf falling and 'dying' ('The Fellowship of the Ring' for the fall, and 'The Two Towers' for the cave scene) which all the characters get really sad about - until he gets better and comes back. Which has yet to be seen in Tech's case. (How Tech will be able to come back from his fall despite not being a wizard is explained via his character specific movie source they've made repeated use of, but since that's still hugely spoilery I'm not getting into that here)
And this is only a couple of examples of one tiny instance where this is happening, the show is filled with them and it applies to all the main characters not just Techdalf
'Entombed' (The Bad Batch, S2) hits The Hobbit up HARD for it's plot and not only gives us the Arkenstone but oblong, which it directly names as The Heart of the Mountain, which is found and then lost again, but dredges up a fire breathing dragon equivalent. Add in some additional Alien themeing and a lizardy creature that can be shot in the chest with a laser arrow before being tossed out of a window in full on 'OMG it's Ripley with the airlock' style and they're really cramming it in there. They end with a reference to an opportunity to find a golden chalice, which is what Bilbo took from Samug's hoarde as proof that he'd found it But people have been easily sidelined from thinking about any of this too hard by them throwing in a handful of surface references to Indiana Jones, the potential of a love interest being developed, and the 'dragon' being a creature previously seen in the Jedi: Fallen Order video game
And don't even get me started on how Senator Avi Singh appears to live in Dale (Common Ground, Bad Batch, S1), Roland and Isa Durand apparently live in Rohan (Paths Unknown, Bad Batch, S3) or Dr Hemlock and his former base at Dol Guldur (Paths Unknown, The Bad Batch, S3) and what that implies for the remainder of the show
They've blended together a lot of canon prequel & clone wars era Star Wars content with a range of supplementary non-canon SW content such a comic books, video games, Legends novels, etc which maintains the idea that this show is nothing more than Star Wars and keeps a lot of long term fans happy and distracted by seeing non-canon things finally appearing in a canon setting, even if they have changed some of the details
But so many concepts and images have been lifted barely altered from their original sources, not just from Tolkein's works, and just slapped down like we're not supposed to notice how much of it there actually is because they've made the animation and lighting so very very pretty
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bracketsoffear · 7 months
Hey everyone! Hope you've all been doing well so far. It's been quite some time since I sent anything to this blog, or read anything TMA related. That said, I remember a while back that a lot of users sent in fanmade statements involving fictional characters, whether they were sent here as Avatars or not. So, I managed to dig up a few statements regarding the Web. Here goes:
Trapdoor - Statement of Marv Murchins, regarding a failed attempt at house robbery (Home Alone)
Off Air - Statement of Howard Beale, regarding the removal of his channel from the news station (Network)
Bug - Anonymous statement, regarding the events following the day after joining his school's literature club (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Cruel Teacher - Statement of the entity calling himself ‘Monsoon’, regarding memes (Metal Gear Rising)
Lucky Me - Statement of Nagito Komaeda, regarding his background (Danganronpa)
Parhelion - Collection of anonymous statements, regarding 'the sun' (Sunless Sea)
Sorry for being a bit sudden. Bluntness is quite unbecoming for someone bound to the Mother of Spiders, no?
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omnitheist27 · 4 months
"You're one hell of a fighter!" (Record of Ragnarok x Hazbin Hotel)
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Note: Spoilers for the finale of the first season of Hazbin Hotel.
So, here's the crossover fan comic of Record of Ragnarok and Hazbin Hotel. I've been hooked on Hazbin Hotel after watching the pilot episode and have been a fan since then, especially when the prime series came out. After the first season ended, I saw this one video on Youtube a fanmade trailer for a DEATH BATTLE!, with Ragnarok!Adam and Hazin!Adam is the contestant. Then I thought, why not make a crossover fan comic? And an ultimate send-off per se?
In this scenario, the two Adams, after dying, were temporarily resurrected in a Pocket Dimension by an unnamed entity acting as their host. When Hazbin!Adam meets Ragnarok!Adam, he acts as his usual rude self by asking him, "Who the fuck are you?", with the latter cooly responding that he could ask him the same thing. The two were quickly filled with hostility after meeting each other for the first time despite not knowing each other, and the unnamed entity then made his appearance and stated they had died from their respective worlds, going so far as to explain to them the multiverse and how the two of them are alternate selves of each other, much to the two Adams's surprise (though Hazbin!Adam is much vocal of his displeasure by pointing out that the title of the "Original Man" belongs to him only and not some "faker"). Then, their host explain that the two Adams had been given a chance by fighting each other in a one-on-one match, gladiator style, and the winner will receive a "prize" by the end.
Seeing this as a chance to return to their own worlds and have unfinished business to take care of, the two Adams agreed.
During their fight, Hazbin!Adam is arrogantly assured that he has the advantage over Ragnarok!Adam due to his angelic form, flight abilities, and holy attacks. However, not long after their fight with Hazbin!Adam in the air and firing off a barrage of holy light beams, Ragnarok!Adam effortlessly dodges the holy light barrage by flash-stepping. This causes Hazbin!Adam to be caught off-guard, which is enough time for Ragnarok!Adam to literally ran in the air and raised his right fist engulfed in holy light. Ragnarok!Adam then sends over 1000 holy light punches in a second at Hazbin!Adam, causing the latter to endure immense hits to his angel body with a final, one-inch punch sending him flying back to the hard ground and creating a deep crater.
Hazbin!Adam is greatly shocked by the experience of being hit in such a way. "Ugh! The fuck!? You hurt me?! You're just a man!" He would say, as Hazbin!Adam finds it incomprehensible that a "mere human", much less someone he perceives as a "faker", could actually hurt him like Charlie did in the season finale. Along with the fact that his opponent can use holy light attacks as well. (A/N: notice the sort of irony here)
Ragnarok!Adam doesn't respond to Hazbin!Adam's words, and continue to the onslaught to end this fight as quickly as he can.
The battle rages on between them, and slowly, the two Adams receive massive injuries from each other. Hazbin!Adam loses his costume to reveal the man beneath it, as well as his beer belly, and the bruises he's gaining while Ragnarok!Adam loses his right arm and goes blind after barely dodging a fatal holy light beam aimed at his head. Yet, each combatant continues to fight with all of their determination and might.
Then...the two Adams receive snippets of each other's memories. Ragnarok!Adam saw the atrocities that his otherworldly counterpart had committed to his descendants, and while greatly disgusted by his acts, he would also remember a time during his eternal afterlife when, he too, condemned his descendants for committing truly evil acts against the innocent, especially to those who delude themselves to believe that their horrible actions are "just" and in the name of God, and/or whatever they see as "virtuous" (a headcanon from his one Youtube commentator on "Fan-Made DEATH BATTLE! trailer: Adam VS Adam (Record of Ragnarok vs Hazbin Hotel)"), but later grew to learn that it won't truly solve anything and resolves to learn and be better to truly make the afterlife a happier place. On the other hand, Hazbin!Adam saw all the experiences his otherworldly counterpart had gone through and all the things he felt, to the point where he started to feel what he never saw himself capable of; "guilt". Guilt from his treatment of Lilith and Eve and how it drove them away from him. And the guilt from his massive slaughter of the Sinners (i.e. his descendants) as an Exorcist simply because they were, in his own words, "losers" simply for committing bad acts out of their control and for very justifiable circumstances, along with knowing that they're are genuinely evil people who only got into Heaven out of "luck" and doing something that not even he knows of what makes a "Winner" (i.e. those who ascend to Heaven) and a "Sinner" (i.e. those who descend to Hell).
In that one moment, both Adams stopped their attacks and were able to tell what the other was thinking. The one thing in their mind is that "he's...like me", and that this whole fight they're doing, might not end with the result they wished for: "to go back to their worlds.".
But at the same time, even if the "prize" wouldn't be what they expected and would still be "deader than dead", they have to win, even on the minuscule chance of seeing the ones they care for again. Along with making up for any past mistakes, no matter what suffering comes their way.
In the climax, the two Adams pour all of their power into a final punch that they send to each other. The collision of their powerful punches creates a devastating effect on the reality of the pocket dimension they're in.
In the end, Hazbin!Adam ultimately fell unconscious due to his fatigue, initial arrogance costing him damage, and his life-long experience of lax and gluttonous behavior catching up to him. Whereas Ragnarok!Adam, despite sustaining injuries with his scorched upper head that left him blind, bald, and without a right arm, manages to stand tall thanks to his prior planning and learning his limits from his defeat in his battle against Zeus.
Ragnarok!Adam, despite acknowledging Hazbin!Adam doing a number on him, the differences between them, and all of the latter's shortcomings, respects him mainly for his valor and strength. Along with seeing that in Hazbin!Adam's final moments, the latter acknowledges his flaws and grows to regret his actions to his descendants for his life-long extermination. Right before executing Hazbin!Adam with a single stomp to his face, ended the latter once and for all, and unknowingly, perhaps ironically, repeating the same event that his former godly opponent did to his own father Chronos.
Hazbin!Adam's body is then broken down into cosmic dust and it spreads throughout the multiverse. After a moment of mourning his otherworldly counterpart and honoring his death, Adam sees the host appear before him. He asked the host that the "prize" in question, "was never really a way to be revived, is it?", and the host simply nods as the power to do that is beyond him given how complex the multiverse is. But the host consoles Adam by saying that while the "prize" isn't a trip home, it is a message he can give to his loved ones for consolement. Adam agrees to this, and gives his final message to his loved ones back home, before quietly disappearing into the cosmic dust and spreading throughout the multiverse as his final death.
Next time: The 40 x Kill the Justice League (4/4)
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the-arcade-doctor · 3 months
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Rewind, the red priest
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Lore: A sentient glitch in beta for a 3D Springy title. Stalker, a shapeshifting code-hunter who craves fear above all else.
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[[Redacted]] is a virus that infected a gaming website called GameGene who played the game he latched onto over and over again until it perfected it, and now it got so bored it turned to giving all of them sentience and killing them over and over Smiles.PNG
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Curlicue, a ancient entity invoked by the death of a philosopher, who's been possessing childhood games for centuries, even before the modern age, in times of old, he'd always play hide and go seek with his victims, he appeared as a child without eyes, and when the game began, it's face always contorted into a spiral of twisted flesh as it went searching for it's prey. Recently, it's found a new conduit to find victims, a abandoned copy of the first Springy game in the series. his forms are Faker, where he looks like regular Springy, but he has black spirals for pupils Revealed, where he has longer limbs, and his eyes are actually a tear in reality, showing his true form's eye, a giant red spiral Enraged - where the "spring" parts of his body become red spirals made of a unknown steel alloy, his gloves's cuffs look like they're on fire, and he becomes much more feral and animalistic
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lizbot · 2 months
I think the most vile thing about Nintendo's latest DMCA shenanigans is that there are hundreds of thousands of young autistic people who express themselves through Splatoon ragdoll animations, and they crushed the dreams of their biggest fans, not for profit (there's no way fan animations using ragdoll model ports impact sales) but for control and spite.
Imagining producing a whole series of games themed around expressing yourself and "anarchy" then dropping the legal hammer on everyone's fanmade expressions of self via the games' setting. Like, "express yourself, stay fresh, but only stay fresh in ways Mr. Faceless Gestalt Corporate Entity approves!".
If it's about "protecting brand identity" against fans' non-commercial artistic expression, then that battle was already lost, about 25 years ago, by Anne Rice. You can't stop fanart. You can't control everyone.
I don't think that Nintendo does those things because they're evil or whatever. If I am to believe randos on the internet, Nintendo is led by old guys who don't understand the internet and are stuck in the past, they don't get how their fans interact with their games, believe that they are only selling toys, and see their fanbase a little kids.
From their point of view, those cease and desist and takedown notices work, because they still sell games and for the most part people still like Nintendo as a brand.
And that's pretty much it, as long as they still generate that moolah, Nintendo is going to understand that all their decisions were the correct ones.
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aquickstart · 5 months
idk how much you still think about major grom but if you have any thoughts on the bird i'd love to see your bingo card for him
omg i think about it a lot actually. not all the time anymore but like a lot more than i thought i would. the reason i stopped keeping up with pd is the in my opinion messy arcs and writing and wasted potential. which brings me to the bird SO neatly
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so like. im kind of afraid to say it but. he makes the least sense to me out of all and every bubble universe character (i've read all major series except for meteora). like i don't get him. he's such a major part of literally everything that seryozha does yet somehow i still don't understand his essence. it may be just that i'm foggy on the details, and i believe the newest rubinshtain standalone (FUCKING FINALLY??) gets into the specifics of his interations with the bird essentially fronting sergey, and i haven't read that.
but from MY understanding the bird is the alter ego formed due to seryozha's underlying issues with the self, like the personalisation of his repressed fears and desires. but i'm pretty sure this is not canon. i'm pretty sure the bird is supposed to be an actual separate entity, kinda like kutkh, and i assume this because the bird fought kutkh off in the game arc for seryozha in a "he's my playground and mine only" kinda way. so i literally don't know what to make of him, and because i have a very shaky image of him in canon i cannot consume any fanmade bird content and headcanons because i don't know what feels right.
and this brings me to my main point about how i personally have an impression that there's just SO MUCH wasted potential with the bird. SO MUCH. we've had SO much time with sergey, oleg, and supposedly the bird somewhere in seryozha's head all hanging out together, in one way or another, and i still don't understand anything about him. even after sergey's explanations to lera. even after that. i'm like. cool. what. ok.
in short. to me, as it stands, or at least as it were when i stopped keeping up with pd (around the ragnar arc), the bird is best interpreted as part of sergey that oleg doesn't understand, has never fully understood and never will understand but a part that he still accepts and in part learns to love. to me the bird is essentially something that tells me more about oleg than it does about seryozha, which is kinda crazy to think about but makes sense personally. idk. it's tough. bubble comics i demand a standalone or at least an official ph*bs–v*rontsova-authorized infographic on the bird. pls. here's my 100 rubles
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✨Intro post✨
This is Skyfire here. I made a sideblog for my sona Shadowfire.
This blog will be about the wacky shenanigans the void entity gets up to. Originates from Wings of Fire well specifically the fanmade version since I disregard canon so much don't expect much of any of the canon lore to exist too much. I am just converting this into another pokemon irl blog since they deserve to have pokemon.
Now for the basics, out of character stuff is in // or ooc: or maybe with both.
My main blog is @skyfire530 and my other sideblog is @skyfire-the-pokemon-biologist .
Pelipper mail is on, magic anons are not. No nsfw. And I will delete asks I don't want to answer.
Regular form is first and entity form is the second image. When they travel between worlds they're the second image and the first one when they go into worlds. Though sometimes they become pokemon like corviknight since they might just want to observe. Now onto my raven dragon
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Hey there I'm Shadowfire. Welcome to my blog. I use they/them pronouns, I'm like 28-ish maybe 29 I'm not sure. I'm using this blog to mostly just have fun, a bit to check up on other universes and answer questions anyone has.
Currently I've found myself exploring the pokemon worlds, I've been finding some neat pokemon friends. People usually find them unnerving but I love them.
My pokemon include:
M͉̅ͮ͒ͤỉ͔͖̜͌S̵̙͕̀̃s̠҉͍͊ͅI̍̅̀̎̊ṇ̤͛̒̍G̩̱ͩ̏͜.N̺̻̔̆ͅO̖̼ͩ͌͐. it is wonderful. I love this glitchy mess. It enjoys being petted and eating fruits.
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spiribia · 1 year
Earlier on in the dev process of Portal 2, they’d considered involving a broader cast of personality cores (this includes the cut scenario where GLaDOS would accuse you of cheating on her with them), but scrapped it in favor of a more intimate narrative with just a couple characters. And I really prefer it this way – there’s something about so much of both games just being only another entity or two speaking to you, and the story is something that forms out of that unspoken relationship. That’s part of the reason fanmade Portal spin-offs theoretically fascinate me so much - wouldn’t they tend to be the story of you and one other dude, and so they’d have to really sell you on the dude. Do you think Chell knows GLaDOS’ name. I tend to think so because she is to me pretty astute but there’s a charm to it if she does not. All you know is that’s MY killer robot who was trying to kill ME. When she says “Oh, it’s YOU” there’s no mistaking who she is talking to or what it means to her. You both already know.
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spiritmoodboards · 1 year
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Selfshipboard for Greed and Depth (fanmade DOORS entities) For an anon! Hope you like the look, Silence :)
Send an ask, we're open~~
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queensparklekitten · 5 months
life cycle of a creepypasta
stage 1: creepypasta is first posted to some forum or blog. people like it enough to share it, including via reposted screenshots.
stage 2: creepypasta starts to take off. expect a lot of youtube videos imitating analog found footage. younger netizens may be tricked into believing it's real. some more lore may be added during this time.
stage 3: creepypasta spreads enough to get things such as a wiki, fanfiction, fangames, monsterfucker attention (if monster), and maybe a song or two about it. very few people know where it originated, and some youtuber's definitely gonna go on a deep dive looking for its origins. additionally, fanmade sequels and the like expanding on the lore begin to spread around, and the wiki in question is at times edited to treat these things as though they were canon to the original story.
stage 4: as the creepypasta gets big, fanmade lore made by people who don't understand what made the original scary becomes more common. this is likely to crop up in the form of overexplanation. depending on how much the original premise allows for it, more entities may be introduced to the universe, and a few may be cool but it's not uncommon for the universe to wind up overpopulated with said entities.
stage 5: the creepypasta by now is not only overexplained and everywhere, people are beginning to meme it. more and more things relating to it are supposed to be ironic. eventually, people who make those extremely questionable shitposty youtube videos with the thumbnails that make you go "wtf is my little cousin watching" realize they can make a quick buck off the 9-year-olds if they put the creepypasta in their video. whatever they're doing with the creepypasta, it's not scary. the people memeing it start to outnumber the ones who are serious about it. this is the final life stage.
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